Understanding the Basics of American Mahjong

American mahjong, also known as mah jongg, is a variant of the traditional Chinese game mahjong. It has its roots in East Asia and was introduced to the United States in the early 20th century. Over time, it has evolved into a distinct form with its own unique gameplay mechanics and rules.

Understanding the Basics of American Mahjong

Origin and Evolution

American mahjong, also known as mah jongg, is a variant of the traditional Chinese game mahjong. It has its roots in East Asia and was introduced to the United States in the early 20th century. Over time, it has evolved into a distinct form with its own unique gameplay mechanics and rules.

Gameplay Mechanics

American mahjong is played with four players using mah jongg tiles. The goal of the game is to be the first to match one's tiles to a specific hand from an annually distributed scorecard. The game involves building tile sets and pairs, similar to poker. Each player takes turns drawing and discarding tiles until one player completes a winning hand.

One of the defining mechanics of American mahjong is "The Charleston." This is a series of passes where each player has the opportunity to exchange tiles with their opponents. This adds an element of strategy to the game as players must decide which tiles to pass and which ones to keep. The Charleston is followed by optional tile passing, further adding complexity to the gameplay.

Unique Features of American Mahjong Sets

American mahjong sets are different from Chinese mahjong sets. They feature additional tiles, Arabic numerals, and English words for the convenience of American players. The game utilizes 152 mahjong tiles, including dots, bamboos, characters, winds, dragons, flowers, and jokers.

The National Mah Jongg League publishes an official instruction book called "Mah Jongg Made Easy" to help players learn the game and improve their strategy. The book provides detailed explanations of the tile sets, scoring systems, and winning hands.

Mastering Scoring Techniques in American Mahjong

Overview of Scoring System

Scoring in American mahjong is based on a set of rules established by the National Mah Jongg League. The league publishes an official rulebook that outlines the scoring criteria for different winning hands. The rules are updated annually, and players need to stay updated with the latest edition to ensure accurate scoring.

Key Elements in Scoring

Scoring in American mahjong is a complex process that takes into account various factors. Some of the key elements to consider when scoring include:

  1. Sets and Pairs: Building sets and pairs of tiles is essential for scoring points. Mahjong hands are made up of sets (three or four tiles of the same kind) and pairs (two identical tiles). The more sets and pairs a player has, the higher their score.
  2. Bonus Tiles: Certain tiles, such as flower tiles and joker tiles, can provide bonus points. Flower tiles are acquired throughout the game and can be used to increase a player's score. Joker tiles are versatile and can be used as substitutes for any other tile, providing additional scoring opportunities.
  3. Special Hands: American mahjong has specific winning hands that are worth more points. These hands often require a certain combination of tiles or specific sequences. Players who can achieve these hands are rewarded with higher scores.

Strategies to Maximize Scores

To maximize scores in American mahjong, players can employ various strategies. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Focus on High-Scoring Hands: Prioritize building hands that offer the highest scores. Familiarize yourself with the scoring criteria and aim to create combinations that maximize your score potential.
  2. Observe Opponents' Discards: Pay close attention to the tiles discarded by your opponents. This will give you insights into the sets they are building and the tiles they need. Adjust your strategy accordingly and try to prevent them from completing high-scoring hands.
  3. Utilize Joker Tiles Wisely: Joker tiles are valuable assets in American mahjong. Use them strategically to complete sets or pairs, and consider their potential to increase your score. Be mindful of how and when to use joker tiles to maximize their benefit.

Exploring the Community and Resources in American Mahjong

Tournaments and Organizations

American mahjong has a strong community of players who participate in tournaments and organize events. Various organizations, such as the National Mah Jongg League, host tournaments where players can showcase their skills and compete against others. These tournaments provide opportunities for players to learn from one another and build a network within the mahjong community.

Official Resources for Learning

For those interested in learning American mahjong, there are official resources available to help beginners. The National Mah Jongg League publishes instructional materials, such as books and guides, that explain the rules and strategies of the game. These resources provide step-by-step instructions and examples to assist players in improving their skills.

American mahjong continues to evolve as new strategies and techniques are developed. The game has seen the introduction of Mah Jongg Master Points, which are used to rank individual players. This points-based ranking system adds a competitive element to the game and encourages players to strive for improvement.

Furthermore, with the advancement of technology, online platforms and mobile applications dedicated to mahjong have gained popularity. These platforms allow players to connect with others from around the world, participate in virtual tournaments, and access resources for learning and improving their gameplay.

Tips and Tricks for Improving Your American Mahjong Gameplay

Developing Tile Strategy

A crucial aspect of American mahjong is developing a strong tile strategy. Here are some tips to improve your tile strategy:

  1. Observe the Discards: Pay close attention to the tiles discarded by your opponents. This will give you valuable information about the tiles they do not need and the ones you can safely discard without helping their hands.
  2. Track the Tiles: Keep track of the tiles that have already been played or discarded. This will help you make informed decisions about which tiles to keep or discard and increase your chances of completing winning hands.
  3. Stay Flexible: Be adaptable in your strategy. Assess the tiles you have and adjust your plans accordingly. If you notice that a particular hand is unlikely to be completed, be open to changing your strategy and pursuing an alternative hand.

Enhancing Decision-Making Skills

Good decision-making is crucial in American mahjong. Here are some tips to enhance your decision-making skills:

  1. Evaluate Potential Hands: Continuously evaluate the potential hands you could play with your current tiles. Determine which hands have the highest scoring potential and focus on building those.
  2. Consider Risk vs. Reward: Assess the risk versus reward of each decision you make. Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of keeping or discarding a particular tile. Make decisions that have the highest probability of improving your hand without significantly increasing the risk.
  3. Stay Mindful of the Clock: Keep an eye on the time limit during tournaments. With limited time, you need to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Practice decision-making under time constraints to improve your performance in competitive settings.

Practicing Efficient Tile Management

Efficient tile management is key to success in American mahjong. Here are some tips to improve your tile management skills:

  1. Organize Your Tiles: Keep your tiles organized in a way that allows you to easily see and access them. Use racks to hold your tiles and arrange them in a logical order based on their suit and number.
  2. Plan Ahead: Anticipate the tiles you will need to complete your desired hand. Plan your moves accordingly and manage your tiles to ensure you have the necessary ones available when you need them.
  3. Maintain a Balanced Hand: Aim to maintain a balanced hand with a variety of potential combinations. This will provide you with more options and increase your chances of completing a winning hand.


What are the standard American Mahjong tiles?

The standard American Mahjong set consists of 152 tiles. These include number tiles, winds, dragons, flowers, and jokers. The number tiles are divided into three suits (cracks, dots, and bams) with numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Each tile has four copies, except for the jokers and flowers, which have eight copies.

How many players are required to play Mahjong?

American mahjong is played with four players. Each player takes turns drawing and discarding tiles until one player completes a winning hand.

What is the object of the game in Mahjong?

The object of American mahjong is to be the first player to match their tiles to a specific hand from an annually distributed scorecard. The player who completes a winning hand first wins the game.

Are there specific rules for dealing tiles in American Mahjong?

Yes, American mahjong has specific rules for dealing tiles. Players roll dice at the beginning of the game to determine the East player. The East player then proceeds with building their tiles in front of them. The game follows a series of passes, known as "The Charleston," followed by optional tile passing. The specific rules and procedures for tile dealing and passing can be found in the official rulebook published by the National Mah Jongg League.


  1. American mahjong - Wikipedia
  2. What tiles are used in American Mah Jongg (and how many of each ...